EP 98: Worldlink and Evexipel – The Ethical Demise of Hormone Replacement

In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the issue of hormone overdoses and the training providers receive in hormone therapy. He highlights a specific training program called World Link Medical, known for teaching overdoses. Dr. Tassone emphasizes the importance of asking providers about their training and background in hormones. He also criticizes the use of …

EP 98: Worldlink and Evexipel – The Ethical Demise of Hormone Replacement Read More »

EP 97: Functional Nutrition & Managing Metabolism with Betty Murray

Today Dr. Tassone is joined by special guest, Dr. Betty Murray, a functional medicine practitioner, who discusses her approach to women’s health and the challenges women face in the medical system. She shares her health journey and how it led her to focus on nutrition and functional medicine. Dr. Murray emphasizes the importance of addressing …

EP 97: Functional Nutrition & Managing Metabolism with Betty Murray Read More »

EP 96: LIBIDO – You Don’t Want None and You Ain’t Getting None

In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the topic of decreased libido in women. He explores the different factors that can contribute to low sex drive, including hormone imbalances, stress, and relationship dynamics. Dr. Tassone also addresses the controversial pink pill, Addyi, which is marketed as a solution for low libido in women. He shares …

EP 96: LIBIDO – You Don’t Want None and You Ain’t Getting None Read More »

EP 95: Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN); What When Why How

In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the use of low dose naltrexone (LDN) as a treatment for various conditions, particularly autoimmune diseases. LDN has been shown to reduce symptom severity in conditions like fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and chronic pain syndrome. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and has neuroprotective effects. Dr. Tassone …

EP 95: Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN); What When Why How Read More »

EP 94: THE NUN: Low Testosterone – What When Why

Today’s episode focuses on the topic of testosterone deficiency in women, which is the number one hormone imbalance across all age groups. Dr. Tassone discusses the impact of birth control pills on testosterone levels and explains the difference between total testosterone and free testosterone. He also discusses commonly overlooked symptoms of low testosterone including fatigue, …

EP 94: THE NUN: Low Testosterone – What When Why Read More »

EP 93: Perimenopause – The Power and The Peril

In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses perimenopause and the symptoms associated with it. He highlights the issue of marketing and selling products related to perimenopause by celebrities and predatory companies. Dr. Tassone explains that perimenopause is not a disease but a time period around menopause, and it is characterized by a range of symptoms. …

EP 93: Perimenopause – The Power and The Peril Read More »

EP 92: The Hormone Bill of Rights

Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the patient’s hormone bill of rights and what patients should expect from their healthcare providers. He covers topics such as confidentiality, informed consent, access to medical records, pain treatment, and the right to refuse medical treatments. Dr. Tassone emphasizes the importance of patient advocacy and empowerment in healthcare decisions. Episode Highlights …

EP 92: The Hormone Bill of Rights Read More »

EP 91: Does Estrogen Cause Breast Cancer?

How are we at a point where women are terrified of a hormone they’ve had in their bodies most of their lives? Many of us have heard horrible things about estrogen and its connection to breast cancer. A lot of this public aversion stems from a study that came out in the early 2000s called …

EP 91: Does Estrogen Cause Breast Cancer? Read More »

EP 90: Metformin, Berberine, Dihydroberberine: Which One Is Best?

In this episode Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the use of metformin, berberine, and dihydroberberine for weight loss in women, particularly those in perimenopause and menopause. He explains that while GLP-1 medications like Ozempic and Monjaro are effective for weight loss, some women may prefer to try metformin, berberine, or dihydroberberine due to concerns or fear …

EP 90: Metformin, Berberine, Dihydroberberine: Which One Is Best? Read More »

EP 89: Mammograms, Thermograms and USPSTF Recommendations

In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the recent recommendations from the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) regarding mammography guidelines. The USPSTF recommends biennial screening mammography for women aged 40 to 74, with a B recommendation. Dr. Tassone explains the incidence and mortality rates of breast cancer, particularly among non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic …

EP 89: Mammograms, Thermograms and USPSTF Recommendations Read More »

EP 88: Progesterone and Progesterone Scams: What You Need To Know

In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the misleading claims and false information surrounding hormone creams, specifically wild yam cream. He highlights the lack of regulation in the cosmetic industry and the dangers of using products that are not FDA-approved. Dr. Tassone also emphasizes the importance of reading labels and avoiding products that claim to …

EP 88: Progesterone and Progesterone Scams: What You Need To Know Read More »

EP 87: Bioidentical vs Synthetic Hormones: What, How and Why

In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the difference between synthetic and bioidentical hormones. He explains that bioidentical hormones are structurally similar to the body’s hormones, while synthetic hormones are structurally different. He also delves into the history of hormone replacement therapy, including the use of pregnant mare’s urine and the marketing of Premarin. He …

EP 87: Bioidentical vs Synthetic Hormones: What, How and Why Read More »

EP 86: Estradiol After 65 – Decreases Cancer + Dementia and Prolongs Life

In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses a recent study published in the Journal of the North American Menopause Society that challenges the previous negative views on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women over the age of 65. The study found that HRT, specifically estrogen therapy, beyond the age of 65 is associated with significant …

EP 86: Estradiol After 65 – Decreases Cancer + Dementia and Prolongs Life Read More »

EP 85: Hormone Pellets and Injections – The Injuring of Women for Money

Confession: “Hormone injections and hormone pellets are horrible. Anybody putting them in, in my opinion, is committing malpractice.” – Shawn Tassone, MD, PhD In this episode Dr. T discusses the dangers and drawbacks of hormone pellets and injections, particularly testosterone, and why he believes that using these methods is committing malpractice. He also covers how …

EP 85: Hormone Pellets and Injections – The Injuring of Women for Money Read More »

EP 84: Washington Post and the Misogynistic Politicization of Birth Control

“Women are getting off birth control amid misinformation explosion.” That’s the title of a very problematic article in the Washington Post last week. Written by two people with no medical background, the article is highly politicized, filled with anecdotal evidence, and dismissive of women’s lived experiences with birth control. To add insult to injury, after …

EP 84: Washington Post and the Misogynistic Politicization of Birth Control Read More »

EP 83: North American Menopause Society (NAMS) – Are You Listening?

“If you’re already a board-certified OBGYN, why would you pay to become NAMS certified?” Many physicians turn to the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) for guidance on menopause-related issues. Every few years, they release a position statement outlining their stance on relevant treatment options, and lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about their …

EP 83: North American Menopause Society (NAMS) – Are You Listening? Read More »

EP 82: How You Can Work With Me – The Appointment Process

Finding the right doctor can be daunting, especially if you’ve been dismissed or mistreated in the past. One of the questions I get asked weekly on my Saturday Instagram Q&A is how we can work together and what that process looks like. For today’s episode, I wanted to share the entire process with you, from …

EP 82: How You Can Work With Me – The Appointment Process Read More »

EP 81: Celebrity Women Selling You Stuff: Beware the Celebrity Trap

If you see a celebrity partnering with a celebrity physician for a product, I’m here to tell you it won’t help. It’s a money grab. Menopause is getting a makeover, and menopausal women are spending a lot of money. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry, and celebrities in their mid to late 40s and 50s are …

EP 81: Celebrity Women Selling You Stuff: Beware the Celebrity Trap Read More »

EP 80: Synthetic vs Bioidentical HRT – We Have to Differentiate

Did you know there are only four bioidentical hormones? The amount of misinformation and confusion surrounding hormone replacement options – especially estradiol and micronized progesterone – is staggering. Many doctors act like synthetic hormones, and bioidenticals are the same thing when in reality, it’s like comparing apples to cars. It’s time to make a stand …

EP 80: Synthetic vs Bioidentical HRT – We Have to Differentiate Read More »

EP 79: Semaglutide & Weight Loss – The Good, The Bad, and The Beautiful

Semaglutide is a fantastic medication when used the right way. Anybody with a passing interest in weight loss has probably heard about semaglutide. Whether it’s Ozempic, Wegovy, or Rybelsus, these antidiabetic medications have skyrocketed in popularity for the incredible weight loss results they can bring. There have even been shortages for the past couple of …

EP 79: Semaglutide & Weight Loss – The Good, The Bad, and The Beautiful Read More »

EP 78: Does Estrogen Cause Breast Cancer?

How are we at a point where women are terrified of a hormone they’ve had in their bodies most of their lives? Many of us have heard horrible things about estrogen and its connection to breast cancer. A lot of this public aversion stems from a study that came out in the early 2000s called …

EP 78: Does Estrogen Cause Breast Cancer? Read More »

EP 77: Hormone Testing 101

Confession: You are being lied to about hormone testing and, in many cases, you’re either not being tested enough or being tested way too much. There are many “hormone experts” out there, and the information they share is often wildly contradictory. From providers who say hormone imbalance doesn’t exist to those who only want to …

EP 77: Hormone Testing 101 Read More »

EP 76: Estriol Face Creams: The New Scams and Old False Claims

“I think it’s scammy. I think it’s dangerous. And I’m saddened that many women are being lied to about these products.” Have you seen those ads on social media for menopause or perimenopause supplements and creams that claim that they will fix all your woes? None of these products have a shred of proof behind …

EP 76: Estriol Face Creams: The New Scams and Old False Claims Read More »

EP 75: MY KIDS: Third Child Angelo – Covid, Finance, and the Myth of Sisyphus

Welcome back to the final installment of my special series of interviews with my kids. So far, you’ve heard from my firstborn, Hannah, my eldest son, Hunter, and my youngest, Anthony. Today, I’m chatting with my thirdborn, Angelo. Angelo and I share very similar birthdays – only four days apart – and he’s the one …

EP 75: MY KIDS: Third Child Angelo – Covid, Finance, and the Myth of Sisyphus Read More »

EP 74: MY KIDS: Youngest Child Anthony – Navigating Gen Z with a Positive Attitude

Welcome back to part three of my special series of interviews with my kids. So far, you’ve heard from my firstborn, Hannah, and my eldest son, Hunter, and today we’re jumping to my youngest, Anthony. Anthony was born via C-section on November 22 in Tucson, Arizona. Named after his great-great-grandfather, Antonio, his name is in …

EP 74: MY KIDS: Youngest Child Anthony – Navigating Gen Z with a Positive Attitude Read More »

EP 73: Hormone Pellets for Women: Misogyny and Malpractice in Women’s Health

I can’t bring myself emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, or physically to use hormone pellets with my patients. Hormone pellets are tiny pellets containing hormones and medications inserted under your skin and replaced every three to six months. They’ve been around for decades, but recently they’ve gained popularity, and they’re now being inserted by Nurse Practitioners, plastic …

EP 73: Hormone Pellets for Women: Misogyny and Malpractice in Women’s Health Read More »

EP 72: MY KIDS: Second Born Hunter: Adaptation, Persistence and Medical School

We’re back for part two of this special series of interviews with my kids. Last week, you heard from my oldest- and only daughter – Hannah, and today, I’m talking to my oldest son, Hunter. Hunter is 28, and the only one of my children who decided to go into medicine, and he’s currently in …

EP 72: MY KIDS: Second Born Hunter: Adaptation, Persistence and Medical School Read More »

EP 71: MY KIDS: First Born Hannah – Divorce, Abortion, and Weight Loss

This month, I’m doing something different. I have four special guests, my kids, and I’ll share their interviews with you each week. To start things off, today’s guest is my firstborn child, Hannah, who will be turning 30 this month! Hannah was born in Papillion, Nebraska, on December 10, 1993, in my third year of …

EP 71: MY KIDS: First Born Hannah – Divorce, Abortion, and Weight Loss Read More »

EP 70: Hormone Harmony for Younger Women – Balancing Hormones Without Taking Hormones

“Hormone balance is the catchphrase for younger women.” – James Frame When you’re looking at perimenopause and post-menopause, the goal is to stop the hormone fluctuations or to replace hormones that have been lost. For younger women, the focus is reinvigorating the biofeedback mechanism to balance and regulate their hormone production. Unfortunately, being younger means …

EP 70: Hormone Harmony for Younger Women – Balancing Hormones Without Taking Hormones Read More »

EP 69: MASTERCLASS: Fitness and Hormonal Harmony with Lacey Dunn

“A majority of people are overfed but undernourished – eating a lot of calories but not consuming essential nutrients.” – Lacey Dunn When it comes to hormones, diet, and lifestyle are huge contributing factors that are often downplayed in conventional medicine. The chronic stress and inadequate nutrition many of us experience create signals in our …

EP 69: MASTERCLASS: Fitness and Hormonal Harmony with Lacey Dunn Read More »

EP 68: Fertility and the SHINES Protocol – The Info You NEEDED

Infertility is defined as 12 months of trying regularly without conception occurring. Although it’s not common, it happens to many couples, and it can be completely devastating when it does. With no known causes of infertility, the conception rate is about 85%, which means about 15% of couples fall within that definition. Over my career, …

EP 68: Fertility and the SHINES Protocol – The Info You NEEDED Read More »

EP 67: Breast Implant Illness with Anthony Youn, MD

We live in an exciting time in cosmetic medicine, where so many options are available that don’t require going under the knife. Traditional plastic surgery training taught Dr. Anthony Youn that the bigger the operation, the better. This idea was reinforced throughout medical school and residency and stayed with Tony as he built his practice. …

EP 67: Breast Implant Illness with Anthony Youn, MD Read More »

EP 66: The Hormone Balance Bible and The SHINES Protocol

Confession: “Your normal is different than everybody else’s.” There’s so much misinformation out there about hormones. The misunderstanding of the Women’s Health Initiative findings did massive damage to women’s health. It basically ruined an entire generation of physicians who now buy into the false narrative on the dangers of hormone replacement. Today I’m doing a …

EP 66: The Hormone Balance Bible and The SHINES Protocol Read More »

EP 65: Breasts and Iodine: Violet Daily and Beautiful Breasts

“We all need to be paying attention to the health of our breast tissue.” – Dianne Wist The first step to good breast health is having an intimate relationship with your breasts. Since the person themself catches most breast abnormalities, you are in a powerful position to protect them. In my practice, I see a …

EP 65: Breasts and Iodine: Violet Daily and Beautiful Breasts Read More »

EP 64: Menopause and Natural Solutions – How does each work and which are the best?

There’s so much information out there about perimenopause and menopause that it can get difficult to distill down into actionable advice. Not to mention the difficulty distinguishing between what’s fact and fiction. Today, I’m joined by James Frame and Dr. Deanna Minich from Symphony Natural Health. They use a maca product that I’m a big …

EP 64: Menopause and Natural Solutions – How does each work and which are the best? Read More »

EP 63: Breast Cancer Facts and Prevention with Dr V

One in eight women will get a breast cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, and most don’t have a family history. Despite the billions of dollars pumped into research, the rates continue to increase. I know it sounds scary, but I want women to understand that a diagnosis is not a death sentence. There are things …

EP 63: Breast Cancer Facts and Prevention with Dr V Read More »

EP 62: The Mysterious Menopause: HRT, Cancer, Cycling, and How to Thrive

Menopause is not something to suffer from; it’s a natural state. By definition, a menopause diagnosis requires you to go 12 months without a period. However, that doesn’t mean you have to wait 12 months before you can seek out solutions for your symptoms. If you’re having symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, irritability, and …

EP 62: The Mysterious Menopause: HRT, Cancer, Cycling, and How to Thrive Read More »

EP 61: Game Changers with Jessica Cording

We have a lot of responsibility as healthcare providers showing up in the media space. People look to us for information and expect that they can trust what we say. Unfortunately, many people in the health space position themselves as experts without having the relevant qualifications or experience, and the misinformation they share can be …

EP 61: Game Changers with Jessica Cording Read More »

EP 59: PCOS PRIMER: Options and Treatment Plans

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a relatively common condition that affects many women of reproductive age. Despite that, we still lack clear diagnostic criteria, resulting in many women receiving an incorrect diagnosis of PCOS or having PCOS and remaining undiagnosed. September is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Awareness Month, and in honor of that, I’m doing a …

EP 59: PCOS PRIMER: Options and Treatment Plans Read More »

EP 58: Supplement Quality and Efficacy Unveiled: Wisdom from Industry Insiders

“The most expensive dietary supplement is the one that doesn’t work.” Whenever I go on Instagram, I’m inundated with ads from supplement companies. They all make crazy claims about what they can fix, and I’m skeptical. The regulation of the supplement industry is complex, and consumers are faced with labels filled with acronyms and terms …

EP 58: Supplement Quality and Efficacy Unveiled: Wisdom from Industry Insiders Read More »

EP 57: America Is Failing Women’s Health

Culture, politics, medical practices, and scientific understandings of the female body all influence our knowledge of women’s health. In today’s episode, I’m doing something different and talking about how the medical field is failing women in the United States. The reality of women’s health in this country leaves much to be desired, from exclusion from …

EP 57: America Is Failing Women’s Health Read More »

EP 40: See Ya Later Ovulator – Menopause with Esther Blum

“You’re just getting older.” When it comes to menopause, women are getting dismissed by doctors, and their symptoms are ignored. With the subject being largely ignored in medical school and residency, it can be a struggle to find a practitioner who is both knowledgeable and willing to dig deeper and provide the care that’s needed. …

EP 40: See Ya Later Ovulator – Menopause with Esther Blum Read More »

EP 39: Top Health Myths: Don’t Let Grandma Listen

“Starve a fever; feed a cold!” Whether it’s from grandma, a friend, or the internet, a lot of health-related advice is passed down through generations or amplified through social media. There’s a reason they persist – they seem logical and sound like good advice, so it’s easy to assume they’re true. Some are harmless but …

EP 39: Top Health Myths: Don’t Let Grandma Listen Read More »

EP 38: Adrenal and Thyroid Power with Dr. Izabella Wentz

“If you want to feel well, you’ve got to let your body know that it’s safe.” – Dr. Izabella Wentz There are only two hormonal issues that are life and death: thyroid and adrenals. Unfortunately, when it comes to adrenals, what you think you should be doing is probably the opposite of what you should …

EP 38: Adrenal and Thyroid Power with Dr. Izabella Wentz Read More »

EP 37: The Bull$hit Fear of Estrogen: I’m Ranting Again

Estrogen has many protective effects, from bone and heart health to thyroid function and sexual motivation. I can’t tell you how often I’ve put a woman on estrogen only to return, saying she felt better for a couple of weeks but decided to stop the medication. Why? Because her friends told her that estrogen causes …

EP 37: The Bull$hit Fear of Estrogen: I’m Ranting Again Read More »

EP 36: Blue Algae + Sustainability with Örlö Nutrition

Every year, millions of people take dietary supplements hoping to improve their health. The problem is, most of us have no idea what’s in the pills we’re taking. This is particularly true for omega-3 fatty acids, one of the top three supplements I recommend for women of all ages. So many of the omega-3 products …

EP 36: Blue Algae + Sustainability with Örlö Nutrition Read More »

EP 35: Endometriosis- Taming the Monster with Khush Sra

Endometriosis is a debilitating condition affecting millions of women worldwide, yet many go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for years. Early diagnosis leads to better outcomes and improved quality of life. As part of our Endometriosis Awareness Month series, I’m joined by holistic health coach Khush Sra today. In addition to being an Endometriosis Nutritionist, Khush has …

EP 35: Endometriosis- Taming the Monster with Khush Sra Read More »

EP 34: Endometriosis – The Misinformation Darling of Women’s Health

Endometriosis is a long-term disease, but it’s not a terminal illness. While endo symptoms usually present at a young age, it takes approximately seven to ten years for most women to get diagnosed. It’s not uncommon to hear of women being bounced around the medical system and silenced with birth control pills to mask their …

EP 34: Endometriosis – The Misinformation Darling of Women’s Health Read More »

EP 33: Thyroid Nation with McCall McPherson

The thyroid gland is a contentious topic in the medical community. In my practice, I’ve seen so many women with debilitating symptoms dismissed by doctors only interested in checking TSH levels and sending them on their way. It’s a common theme. Clinicians react from a place of defensiveness, not wanting anyone to question their authority. …

EP 33: Thyroid Nation with McCall McPherson Read More »

EP 32: Q+A with America’s Holistic Gynecologist: Paps, Estrogen, Progesterone + HRT

We’re back for another round of Q&A with Dr. T! So much misinformation is shared when it comes to women’s health. There are also a lot of doctors who seem to prescribe things willy-nilly, following guidelines without digging deeper and using science. Many of these topics come up in questions on my Instagram (@ShawnTassoneMD), and …

EP 32: Q+A with America’s Holistic Gynecologist: Paps, Estrogen, Progesterone + HRT Read More »

EP 31: Period Perfection with Nicole Jardim – The Period Fixer

“Instead of looking at each person’s bio-individuality, we’re all treated with one protocol.” I think most doctors want to do things differently. Unfortunately, the insurance system incentivizes doctors to see as many patients as possible instead of spending time with each patient to get to the root cause of their symptoms. So what ends up …

EP 31: Period Perfection with Nicole Jardim – The Period Fixer Read More »

EP 30: Weight Loss! Semaglutide – The Good, The Bad, and The Beautiful

Semaglutide is a fantastic medication when used the right way. Anybody with a passing interest in weight loss has probably heard about semaglutide. Whether it’s Ozempic, Wegovy, or Rybelsus, these antidiabetic medications have skyrocketed in popularity for the incredible weight loss results they can bring. There have even been shortages for the past couple of …

EP 30: Weight Loss! Semaglutide – The Good, The Bad, and The Beautiful Read More »

EP 29: Bad Breasts: Breast Implant Illness And Gaslighting with Candice Barley

It’s not all in your head. As you probably know, I’m a firm advocate for the removal of foreign bodies and foreign materials, particularly within my practice with the Essure coils. Many women go through a long journey to have the problem acknowledged and often spend years dismissed by doctors. A big part of this …

EP 29: Bad Breasts: Breast Implant Illness And Gaslighting with Candice Barley Read More »

EP 66: The Hormone Balance Bible and The SHINES Protocol

“Your normal is different than everybody else’s.” There’s so much misinformation out there about hormones. The misunderstanding of the Women’s Health Initiative findings did massive damage to women’s health. It basically ruined an entire generation of physicians who now buy into the false narrative on the dangers of hormone replacement. Today I’m doing a review …

EP 66: The Hormone Balance Bible and The SHINES Protocol Read More »

EP 28: PCOS: The Devil Inside with Angela Grassi

“You have to trust your gut and be an advocate for yourself.” – Angela Grassi There is no one-size-fits-all approach for managing polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It’s a very common, very misunderstood condition that often goes undiagnosed for years. Even after diagnosis, many women are quickly put on birth control pills that mask the symptoms …

EP 28: PCOS: The Devil Inside with Angela Grassi Read More »

EP 27: Do It For Your Heart: Heart Disease Prevention with Dr. Joel Kahn

“If it’s made in a factory, skip it. If it’s made in nature, eat it.” – Dr. Joel Kahn Diet has become a controversial topic, and people quickly turn confrontational. From the carnivore diet to keto to veganism, chances are that talking publicly about what you eat will be met with opposition. So how can …

EP 27: Do It For Your Heart: Heart Disease Prevention with Dr. Joel Kahn Read More »

EP 26: Hard To Kill with Dr. Jaime Seeman

“Those that don’t have time for wellness will eventually have to make time for illness.” – Dr. Jaime Seeman You should be the number one advocate for your health. Like I tell my patients, I can give you the tools, and I can give you ideas, but ultimately you’ve got to do it yourself. We …

EP 26: Hard To Kill with Dr. Jaime Seeman Read More »

EP 25: Q+A with Dr. T: PCOS, Fibroids, Essure, Weight Loss, Hormones and Hysterectomy

Every Saturday for the past year, I’ve been doing “ask me a question” on my Instagram (@ShawnTassoneMD). Over time, I’ve noticed specific questions and themes that come up over and over. Now, I’m bringing them to the podcast! Starting with today’s episode, I’m going to create some Q&A episodes where I hit some of the …

EP 25: Q+A with Dr. T: PCOS, Fibroids, Essure, Weight Loss, Hormones and Hysterectomy Read More »

EP 24: Hemp Your Hormones with Hemplily

“Consider natural alternatives; your body wants to heal.” – Terri Long For years Terri Long suffered from chronic pain and fatigue that left her struggling to function in everyday life. She bounced from doctor to doctor before finally being given a fibromyalgia diagnosis. But even with the medication she received, she still felt horrible. Eventually, …

EP 24: Hemp Your Hormones with Hemplily Read More »

EP 23: Shut Your Pie-Hole: Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss with Cynthia Thurlow

“We would not have evolved as a species if we could not have gone through periods of food feasting and famine.” – Cynthia Thurlow From ancient Rome to the Industrial Revolution, people have been fasting for various reasons, including religious rites and social customs. But while it’s not a new practice, modern-day intermittent fasting exists …

EP 23: Shut Your Pie-Hole: Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss with Cynthia Thurlow Read More »

EP 22: The Power Of Progesterone and The Unbalanced Heroine

Progesterone is the great calmer. It’s the hormone responsible for pregnancy and is probably my second favorite (right after testosterone). With its central role in the menstrual cycle, I’ve seen progesterone help many women in my practice. In my book, The Hormone Balance Bible, the archetype for progesterone deficiency is the Unbalanced Heroine. It’s a …

EP 22: The Power Of Progesterone and The Unbalanced Heroine Read More »

EP 21: Feminade and Affordable Hormone Testing: Roya Pakzad, CEO

“Honor your body. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s because it’s not right.” – Roya Pakzad Being in control of your health is empowering but often, that’s easier said than done. High deductibles, restrictions on insurance coverage, and the cost of working with functional medicine practitioners are just some of the barriers that prevent women …

EP 21: Feminade and Affordable Hormone Testing: Roya Pakzad, CEO Read More »

EP 20: Stressed The F#CK Out: Cortisol And Your Health

Cortisol gets a lot of bad publicity, but if you didn’t have it, you would die. Produced by the adrenal glands, cortisol is your body’s primary stress hormone released as part of the body’s response to a threatening situation. But when cortisol levels are on the low or high end of the normal range, many …

EP 20: Stressed The F#CK Out: Cortisol And Your Health Read More »

EP 19: Magic and Medicinal Mushrooms with Mason Taylor of SuperFeast

Medicinal mushrooms are a fantastic tool for mitigating risk and cultivating health. From Reishi to Tremella, Lion’s Mane, and beyond, the Western world is finally waking up to the magic and medicine of mushrooms. With that increasing popularity, more and more research is being conducted that confirms what ancient traditions have long known about the …

EP 19: Magic and Medicinal Mushrooms with Mason Taylor of SuperFeast Read More »

EP 18: The Pitfalls of Hormone Pellets: The Bad, The Worst, and The Ugly

I can’t bring myself emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, or physically to use hormone pellets with my patients. Hormone pellets are tiny pellets containing hormones and medications inserted under your skin and replaced every three to six months. They’ve been around for decades, but recently they’ve gained popularity, and they’re now being inserted by Nurse Practitioners, plastic …

EP 18: The Pitfalls of Hormone Pellets: The Bad, The Worst, and The Ugly Read More »

EP 17: Penises, Prostates, and PHAT Syndrome: Confessions of a Men’s Health Provider with Dr. Jerry Bailey

You can’t biohack your way out of your symptoms; you have to address the root cause. Where many testosterone clinics are quick to identify low testosterone and start testosterone therapy, it’s often a sign of many deeper issues This is where poly-hormonal adrenal testosterone (PHAT) syndrome comes in. PHAT syndrome presents with a host of …

EP 17: Penises, Prostates, and PHAT Syndrome: Confessions of a Men’s Health Provider with Dr. Jerry Bailey Read More »

EP 16: Testosterone: The Hormone Of Desire And Life

Low testosterone in women is the plague of the 21st century. Testosterone is one of the most important parts of women’s hormone replacement. While most women feel their best with testosterone levels in the middle of the normal range, in my practice I see a lot of women with levels at the low end of …

EP 16: Testosterone: The Hormone Of Desire And Life Read More »

EP 15: Thyroid, Adrenals, and Metabolism OH MY! with Dr. Alan Christianson

Hormone replacement is not usually life or death, except in the cases of the thyroid and adrenals. Thyroid disease has tripled in the last few decades and thyroid medication is consistently among the top three most prescribed medicines in the world. At the same time, many women find themselves with adrenal insufficiency due to a …

EP 15: Thyroid, Adrenals, and Metabolism OH MY! with Dr. Alan Christianson Read More »

EP 14: A Tale Of Two Thyroids: Testing and Treatment of Hypo and Hyperthyroidism

Thyroid hormones are critical to our survival. Unfortunately, thyroid disease is very common, and women are around five to eight times more likely to be diagnosed with a thyroid condition than a man. In my practice, I see many women who have either been diagnosed with thyroid disease or who have subclinical thyroid disease, where …

EP 14: A Tale Of Two Thyroids: Testing and Treatment of Hypo and Hyperthyroidism Read More »

EP 13: Essentially You: Essential Oils and Womens Health

“This ain’t your Mama’s menopause. You get to define what it looks like moving forward.” – Dr. Mariza Snyder During perimenopause, it can feel like everything is falling apart. Your body is changing, sex hormones are declining, and ovarian function shifts towards retirement mode. But the more metabolically flexible you are heading into menopause and …

EP 13: Essentially You: Essential Oils and Womens Health Read More »

EP 12: Does Estrogen Cause Breast Cancer?

How are we at a point where women are terrified of a hormone they’ve had in their bodies most of their lives? Many of us have heard horrible things about estrogen and its connection to breast cancer. A lot of this public aversion stems from a study that came out in the early 2000s called …

EP 12: Does Estrogen Cause Breast Cancer? Read More »

EP 11: Breast Implant Illness with Anthony Youn, MD

We live in an exciting time in cosmetic medicine, where so many options are available that don’t require going under the knife. Traditional plastic surgery training taught Dr. Anthony Youn that the bigger the operation, the better. This idea was reinforced throughout medical school and residency and stayed with Tony as he built his practice. …

EP 11: Breast Implant Illness with Anthony Youn, MD Read More »

EP 10: Estradiol, Estrone, and Estriol – OH MY: Estrogen 101

Estrogen is probably the most misunderstood hormone. The demonization of estrogen by the Women’s Health Initiative has done a disservice to women’s health and caused a lot of fear. Between the patients who don’t want to take it and the doctors who refuse to prescribe it, many women are missing out on estrogen’s protective effects …

EP 10: Estradiol, Estrone, and Estriol – OH MY: Estrogen 101 Read More »

EP 9: Maca, Julva for the Vulva, and MenuPause with Dr. Anna Cabeca

The medical community is often critical of new ideas. Yet, if we don’t evolve as providers, we’re doing our patients a disservice. As someone who’s been at the forefront of women’s health throughout her career, Dr. Anna Cabeca never let the naysayers deter her. Back in her first practice in a small town in Georgia, …

EP 9: Maca, Julva for the Vulva, and MenuPause with Dr. Anna Cabeca Read More »

EP 8: 10 Must-Have Supplements for Women

Which supplements do you recommend? Do they really work? How do you identify which brands are good quality? With so many supplement options available, it can be hard to sift through the noise and find the ones that make sense for you. Plus, just because something is natural doesn’t automatically mean it’s safe. For over …

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EP 7: The Betty Body with Dr. Stephanie Estima

Early in her clinical career, Dr. Stephanie Estima recognized through her patients that men and women required very different approaches to achieve successful outcomes. That realization led to Stephanie developing a standard of care uniquely focused on female health and wellbeing. Now, her mission is to inspire women globally to be the best versions of …

EP 7: The Betty Body with Dr. Stephanie Estima Read More »

EP 6: Knock Knock Who’s There? What Are Your Provider’s Credentials?

Many patients are choosing providers outside of the traditional medical system because of negative experiences with MDs. In a time where there are so many doctors, experts, and gurus to choose from, there’s no need to stay with a provider that is failing you. At the same time, figuring out who is well-positioned to help …

EP 6: Knock Knock Who’s There? What Are Your Provider’s Credentials? Read More »

EP 5: Hormones From Down Under with Nat Kringoudis

Nat never planned to treat women’s health. Coming out of her studies, she opened up her clinic and found herself inundated with women desperate for answers to the symptoms they were experiencing. After turning many women away, thinking she couldn’t help, she started to recognize a pattern of common symptoms in most of their cases. …

EP 5: Hormones From Down Under with Nat Kringoudis Read More »

EP 4: Working It With The Betty Rocker: Essure, Exercise, and Energy

All too often, it’s women who bear the brunt of medical device failures. A major example is Essure, which came on the market in 2002 as a female sterilization device. It was sold to physicians and patients as a non-surgical, FDA-approved option that could be inserted without much downtime. Sounds good, right? That’s what many …

EP 4: Working It With The Betty Rocker: Essure, Exercise, and Energy Read More »

EP 3: Test Don’t Guess: Hormone Testing 101

Confession: You are being lied to about hormone testing and, in many cases, you’re either not being tested enough or being tested way too much. There are many “hormone experts” out there, and the information they share is often wildly contradictory. From providers who say hormone imbalance doesn’t exist to those who only want to …

EP 3: Test Don’t Guess: Hormone Testing 101 Read More »

EP 2: Hormones 101 with Shawn Tassone MD PhD

Many women have a similar experience: you’re feeling like crap, but when you go to the doctor, you’re told everything is normal, and you’re fine. Understanding your hormones is a critical foundation for advocating for yourself and being empowered when it comes to your health. To start things off, this week is all about your …

EP 2: Hormones 101 with Shawn Tassone MD PhD Read More »

EP 1: Confessions of A Male Gynecologist

Welcome to the inaugural episode of Confessions of a Male Gynecologist, a cheeky-sounding name for an unconventional show. I’m Dr. Shawn Tassone, a board-certified OB-GYN who’s also board certified in integrative medicine. It’s an unusual combination, rooted in my recognition that I couldn’t help my patients as much as I wanted to through allopathic medicine …

EP 1: Confessions of A Male Gynecologist Read More »

Is Your Hormone Provider An Expert?

In the world of social media, the internet, and having an abundance of ‘influencers’ it’s important to know if the person you’re trusting with your health is who they claim to be. When discussing women’s hormones women need experts! We need these women under the care of someone who is wanting to get to the …

Is Your Hormone Provider An Expert? Read More »

Essure Consultation Red Flags

You know that warm sense of relief you feel after walking into a doctor’s office to discuss your health concerns and you feel like the physician genuinely cared or understood your concern? How about when you told them you had Essure and you thought it was the cause of your chronic pelvic pain? I know …

Essure Consultation Red Flags Read More »

Essure Removal vs Essure Reversal: What Is the Difference?

You might be one of the millions of women around the world who was looking for a permanent birth control option, but didn’t want traditional abdominal sterilization, so you took a chance and had Essure placed. It sounded perfect for you at the time. You didn’t have to remember to take a pill, it was …

Essure Removal vs Essure Reversal: What Is the Difference? Read More »

A Holistic Approach To Chronic Pain

I often get asked in my clinic. “Dr. T I have chronic pain, but don’t want to take pain medication.” “Dr. T I am struggling with anxiety and migraines. Is there anything you recommend that is natural and actually works?” My answer is a resounding “YES!” I went out on a search and found a …

A Holistic Approach To Chronic Pain Read More »

Adrenals and Your Hormones

Adrenal glands are responsible for producing several hormones daily that are used throughout the body. When your adrenal glands become fatigued it can trigger other health problems starting with a hormone imbalance. Since your adrenals are so important to overall body function it’s common for adrenal fatigue to be noticeable in several areas of your …

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The Pitfalls of Pellets

Exhausted. Gaining weight. Suffering from Insomnia…. Anxious. Retaining water. Irregular periods and pelvic pain. What a joy it is to face another day. You’ve been to three doctors already and been told it’s all normal or “you’re just getting older.” You’ve even tried to convince yourself – maybe they’re right? But surely, there has to …

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Empathy and Your Hormones

Whole body health is something of extreme importance to me. Whether you believe it or not your mind, body, and spirit are all intertwined. Did you know that emotional and spiritual exhaustion have similar effects on the body? Because of this people who have an empath personality are more likely to experience negative health impacts. …

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Am I Crazy or Menopausal?

Are you menopausal? Perimenopausal? Or do you even know? This is part of the problem when it comes to menopause. There are many women that don’t know much about it at all, other than they’re dreading that time in their life, but it doesn’t have to be all bad! It’s a natural process of a …

Am I Crazy or Menopausal? Read More »

Best and Worst Sunscreen of 2019

Summer and sunshine go hand in hand! While there are health benefits to sun exposure such as being a source for Vitamin D, it can also be harmful if you are overexposed or not protected correctly putting you at risk for sunburn or skin cancer. But, did you know a recent study done by the …

Best and Worst Sunscreen of 2019 Read More »

Walking Towards Better Health

We are full swing into the summer body craze where everyone is wanting to look their best! Have you recently picked up a new fitbit, apple watch, or other form of health tracker? It seems most of these fitness accessories automatically tell you that you should take roughly 10,000 steps a day to obtain optimal …

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The Dirtiest Fruits and Veggies of 2019

It’s officially Spring! There’s nothing better than a nice bowl of fruit while soaking in the sunshine… or is there? While you may feel like you’re making healthy choices by eating fruit as a snack, according to the new Dirty Dozen just released by EWG, you may reconsider. The top 5 on the Dirty Dozen …

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The 4 Benefits of HIIT Training

What is HIIT? HIIT is an abbreviation for High Intensity Interval Training and it is absolutely trending in the workout world. During my recent Instagram LIVE on diets and which one will keep you on track for your New Year’s Resolution. I mentioned how important it was to implement exercise with nutrition for maximum results. …

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My Most Recommended Supplements

In the clinic and online I often get asked what my favorite supplements are. You know the one’s you shouldn’t go a day without? I teamed up with Fullscript and created an online dispensary that offers the safest source of practitioner-grade supplements, at a lower cost than most retailers. Four Supplements You Shouldn’t Go a …

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A Holistic Approach to Balancing Your Hormones

Balancing your hormones with diet alone will not achieve the results you really need or expect. That’s where my 7 – Day Hormone Reboot will help start your journey. I recommend this program to every woman I meet in my clinic as well as consult online who is struggling with adrenal dysfunction or other signs …

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12 Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals and How to Avoid Them

Endocrine disruptors may be found in many everyday products– including plastic bottles, metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants, food, toys, cosmetics, and pesticides. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that may interfere with the body’s endocrine system and produce adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological, and immune effects in both humans and wildlife. A wide range of substances, both natural …

12 Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals and How to Avoid Them Read More »

What is a hormonal imbalance?

What is a hormonal imbalance? Delivered in the endocrine organs, hormones are intense biological substances that travel around your circulation system instructing tissues and organs. They help control a significant number of your body’s real procedures, including digestion and reproduction. When you have a hormonal irregularity, you have excessively or too little of a specific …

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New Book Release: Contraception Deception, Open and Honest Discussion about Birth Control

This book is by Dr Shawn Tassone, MD, PhD and Dr. Natalie Kringoudis (Author) BUY NOW on Kindle: $1.99 to buy What is the real truth about birth control? This tell all book deals with the topics of birth control pills, Implants, Injections, IUDs, Diaphragms, Cervical Caps, Permanent Sterilization, Essure, and Natural Family Planning. Birth Control is a common …

New Book Release: Contraception Deception, Open and Honest Discussion about Birth Control Read More »

Estrogen Dominance and Progesterone Deficiency – An Undeniable Imbalance

You give 110% of yourself all the time. Whether it’s at work or at home, you want to make sure everyone is taken care of. Sometimes, however, you feel like the world is working against you – you’re an outsider in your own realm. The overwhelming symptoms of excess estrogen not only make you physically …

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Estrogen, Cortisol + Testosterone Excess

When you’re navigating the treacherous waters of multiple hormone imbalances there is a lot to take into consideration. In some cases, one hormone may be too high while another is waning. In other instances, there might be two that are raging out of control. The latter is the case with estrogen dominance and cortisol excess. …

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Testosterone Excess – Unpredictable Moods

You are fierce. A force to be reckoned with. Some days you feel as though you could literally take on the world. Others you’re moody and maybe feel a little angry or aggressive. So, what gives? You may be experiencing what’s known as testosterone excess. Why Do Women Need Testosterone? Testosterone is often associated with …

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Cortisol Insufficiency and Adrenal Fatigue

Tired. Exhausted. Spent. Worn out. If you can relate to any of these words you may very well be experiencing cortisol insufficiency. The good news? You’re not alone, and there are things you can do to help combat this increasingly common health issue. Why is cortisol so important? You may have read about the effects …

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Hypothyroidism – Swept Up in a Feeling of Exhaustion

You’re swept up in a feeling of exhaustion so strong you could lay down right where you’re standing and sleep for a week. Your feet feel leaden and your head a little foggy. You are always running but it’s not enough. You feel like the consummate underdog. This is what it’s like on a near-daily …

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Cortisol Excess – Burn Out

Are you a fantastic combination of enthusiasm and zeal tempered with a strong sense of responsibility and an eye on achieving the hard stuff? While this might be a boon for any employer, when talking about your adrenal system taking on the role of the workaholic, it’s a whole different matter. What’s Up With Cortisol, …

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Hyperthyroidism – Anxious and Overwhelmed

“Why don’t you just relax a little?” Is this a familiar question? Oh, if they only knew. You sleep four hours a night. You eat whatever you want but always feel like you’re too thin. Sitting through a movie with your family is impossible. Your house is spotless, not because you’re a neat freak but …

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Estrogen and Testosterone Deficiency -Decreased Sense of Well-Being

You’re quiet and introspective. Your mind and body are always in a quiet state, allowing you to exist. You feel like you’re an observer and the world just moves around you while you develop thoughts and ideas. If only you could find the energy to share them… Probably constantly trying to figure out the why’s …

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Estrogen Deficiency – Fatigue, Brain Fog, Low Energy…

A wise woman is calm, introspective, and worldly. Who wouldn’t want to feel like they have the inner peace and knowledge to move through life confidently? If you’re suffering from estrogen deficiency, however, you are probably wondering if you will ever feel like the wise woman you’ve come to be and be able to reclaim …

Estrogen Deficiency – Fatigue, Brain Fog, Low Energy… Read More »

Testosterone Deficiency – Decreased Libido

Have you been feeling like you’ve lost your zest for life? Less interest or no interest in sex, fatigue, and a general loss of enthusiasm for life… all of these and more are signs that you may be suffering from testosterone deficiency. What Is Testosterone Deficiency? Testosterone Deficiency is a term used to describe a …

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Progesterone Deficiency – The Unbalanced Hero

Have you been feeling a little less than yourself lately? Irregular menstrual periods, abnormal weight gain, mood swings, a decrease in sex drive… all of these and more are signs that you may be suffering from estrogen dominance. What Is Progesterone Deficiency? Progesterone is made in the ovaries, the placenta, and it’s also partially made …

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Estrogen Dominance, the Power of Excess

Headaches. Fatigue. Low sex drive. Irregular periods. Do these symptoms sound familiar? You don’t have to be entering menopause to experience these problems and more. No matter what your age, you may be experiencing unsettling symptoms that are synonymous with a condition known as estrogen dominance. Estrogen and progesterone are the two primary hormones that …

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Your BEST LIFE is ahead of you! I’ve designed a 7 Day Hormone Reboot just for you. With this first-of-its-kind program, you’ll receive: Private Membership Support from Dr. T Daily Text Reminders Daily Emails Mindfulness Videos Secret Facebook Community Daily Worksheets Journal Coaching In 7 days, with this Reboot you’ll reset your daily practices — …

The Smartest Way to RESET YOUR HORMONES NATURALLY! Read More »

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