menopause support

EP 87: Bioidentical vs Synthetic Hormones: What, How and Why

In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the difference between synthetic and bioidentical hormones. He explains that bioidentical hormones are structurally similar to the body’s hormones, while synthetic hormones are structurally different. He also delves into the history of hormone replacement therapy, including the use of pregnant mare’s urine and the marketing of Premarin. He …

EP 87: Bioidentical vs Synthetic Hormones: What, How and Why Read More »

EP 83: North American Menopause Society (NAMS) – Are You Listening?

“If you’re already a board-certified OBGYN, why would you pay to become NAMS certified?” Many physicians turn to the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) for guidance on menopause-related issues. Every few years, they release a position statement outlining their stance on relevant treatment options, and lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about their …

EP 83: North American Menopause Society (NAMS) – Are You Listening? Read More »

EP 76: Estriol Face Creams: The New Scams and Old False Claims

“I think it’s scammy. I think it’s dangerous. And I’m saddened that many women are being lied to about these products.” Have you seen those ads on social media for menopause or perimenopause supplements and creams that claim that they will fix all your woes? None of these products have a shred of proof behind …

EP 76: Estriol Face Creams: The New Scams and Old False Claims Read More »

EP 62: The Mysterious Menopause: HRT, Cancer, Cycling, and How to Thrive

Menopause is not something to suffer from; it’s a natural state. By definition, a menopause diagnosis requires you to go 12 months without a period. However, that doesn’t mean you have to wait 12 months before you can seek out solutions for your symptoms. If you’re having symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, irritability, and …

EP 62: The Mysterious Menopause: HRT, Cancer, Cycling, and How to Thrive Read More »

EP 58: Supplement Quality and Efficacy Unveiled: Wisdom from Industry Insiders

“The most expensive dietary supplement is the one that doesn’t work.” Whenever I go on Instagram, I’m inundated with ads from supplement companies. They all make crazy claims about what they can fix, and I’m skeptical. The regulation of the supplement industry is complex, and consumers are faced with labels filled with acronyms and terms …

EP 58: Supplement Quality and Efficacy Unveiled: Wisdom from Industry Insiders Read More »

EP 40: See Ya Later Ovulator – Menopause with Esther Blum

“You’re just getting older.” When it comes to menopause, women are getting dismissed by doctors, and their symptoms are ignored. With the subject being largely ignored in medical school and residency, it can be a struggle to find a practitioner who is both knowledgeable and willing to dig deeper and provide the care that’s needed. …

EP 40: See Ya Later Ovulator – Menopause with Esther Blum Read More »

Confessions Of A Male Gynecologist Ep 25 Q +A with Dr. T: PCOS, Fibroids, Essure, Weight Loss, Hormones & Hysterectomy

EP 25: Q+A with Dr. T: PCOS, Fibroids, Essure, Weight Loss, Hormones and Hysterectomy

Every Saturday for the past year, I’ve been doing “ask me a question” on my Instagram (@ShawnTassoneMD). Over time, I’ve noticed specific questions and themes that come up over and over. Now, I’m bringing them to the podcast! Starting with today’s episode, I’m going to create some Q&A episodes where I hit some of the …

EP 25: Q+A with Dr. T: PCOS, Fibroids, Essure, Weight Loss, Hormones and Hysterectomy Read More »

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