health and wellness podcast

EP 34: Endometriosis – The Misinformation Darling of Women’s Health

Endometriosis is a long-term disease, but it’s not a terminal illness. While endo symptoms usually present at a young age, it takes approximately seven to ten years for most women to get diagnosed. It’s not uncommon to hear of women being bounced around the medical system and silenced with birth control pills to mask their …

EP 34: Endometriosis – The Misinformation Darling of Women’s Health Read More »

EP 32: Q+A with America’s Holistic Gynecologist: Paps, Estrogen, Progesterone + HRT

We’re back for another round of Q&A with Dr. T! So much misinformation is shared when it comes to women’s health. There are also a lot of doctors who seem to prescribe things willy-nilly, following guidelines without digging deeper and using science. Many of these topics come up in questions on my Instagram (@ShawnTassoneMD), and …

EP 32: Q+A with America’s Holistic Gynecologist: Paps, Estrogen, Progesterone + HRT Read More »

EP 23: Shut Your Pie-Hole: Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss with Cynthia Thurlow

“We would not have evolved as a species if we could not have gone through periods of food feasting and famine.” – Cynthia Thurlow From ancient Rome to the Industrial Revolution, people have been fasting for various reasons, including religious rites and social customs. But while it’s not a new practice, modern-day intermittent fasting exists …

EP 23: Shut Your Pie-Hole: Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss with Cynthia Thurlow Read More »

EP 19: Magic and Medicinal Mushrooms with Mason Taylor of SuperFeast

Medicinal mushrooms are a fantastic tool for mitigating risk and cultivating health. From Reishi to Tremella, Lion’s Mane, and beyond, the Western world is finally waking up to the magic and medicine of mushrooms. With that increasing popularity, more and more research is being conducted that confirms what ancient traditions have long known about the …

EP 19: Magic and Medicinal Mushrooms with Mason Taylor of SuperFeast Read More »

Confessions of a male

EP 17: Penises, Prostates, and PHAT Syndrome: Confessions of a Men’s Health Provider with Dr. Jerry Bailey

You can’t biohack your way out of your symptoms; you have to address the root cause. Where many testosterone clinics are quick to identify low testosterone and start testosterone therapy, it’s often a sign of many deeper issues This is where poly-hormonal adrenal testosterone (PHAT) syndrome comes in. PHAT syndrome presents with a host of …

EP 17: Penises, Prostates, and PHAT Syndrome: Confessions of a Men’s Health Provider with Dr. Jerry Bailey Read More »

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