books for women

EP 80: Synthetic vs Bioidentical HRT – We Have to Differentiate

Did you know there are only four bioidentical hormones? The amount of misinformation and confusion surrounding hormone replacement options – especially estradiol and micronized progesterone – is staggering. Many doctors act like synthetic hormones, and bioidenticals are the same thing when in reality, it’s like comparing apples to cars. It’s time to make a stand …

EP 80: Synthetic vs Bioidentical HRT – We Have to Differentiate Read More »

EP 40: See Ya Later Ovulator – Menopause with Esther Blum

“You’re just getting older.” When it comes to menopause, women are getting dismissed by doctors, and their symptoms are ignored. With the subject being largely ignored in medical school and residency, it can be a struggle to find a practitioner who is both knowledgeable and willing to dig deeper and provide the care that’s needed. …

EP 40: See Ya Later Ovulator – Menopause with Esther Blum Read More »

EP 35: Endometriosis- Taming the Monster with Khush Sra

Endometriosis is a debilitating condition affecting millions of women worldwide, yet many go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for years. Early diagnosis leads to better outcomes and improved quality of life. As part of our Endometriosis Awareness Month series, I’m joined by holistic health coach Khush Sra today. In addition to being an Endometriosis Nutritionist, Khush has …

EP 35: Endometriosis- Taming the Monster with Khush Sra Read More »

episode 29 confessions of a male gynecologist

EP 29: Bad Breasts: Breast Implant Illness And Gaslighting with Candice Barley

It’s not all in your head. As you probably know, I’m a firm advocate for the removal of foreign bodies and foreign materials, particularly within my practice with the Essure coils. Many women go through a long journey to have the problem acknowledged and often spend years dismissed by doctors. A big part of this …

EP 29: Bad Breasts: Breast Implant Illness And Gaslighting with Candice Barley Read More »

EP 23: Shut Your Pie-Hole: Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss with Cynthia Thurlow

“We would not have evolved as a species if we could not have gone through periods of food feasting and famine.” – Cynthia Thurlow From ancient Rome to the Industrial Revolution, people have been fasting for various reasons, including religious rites and social customs. But while it’s not a new practice, modern-day intermittent fasting exists …

EP 23: Shut Your Pie-Hole: Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss with Cynthia Thurlow Read More »

EP 22: The Power Of Progesterone and The Unbalanced Heroine

Progesterone is the great calmer. It’s the hormone responsible for pregnancy and is probably my second favorite (right after testosterone). With its central role in the menstrual cycle, I’ve seen progesterone help many women in my practice. In my book, The Hormone Balance Bible, the archetype for progesterone deficiency is the Unbalanced Heroine. It’s a …

EP 22: The Power Of Progesterone and The Unbalanced Heroine Read More »

EP 9: Maca, Julva for the Vulva, and MenuPause with Dr. Anna Cabeca

The medical community is often critical of new ideas. Yet, if we don’t evolve as providers, we’re doing our patients a disservice. As someone who’s been at the forefront of women’s health throughout her career, Dr. Anna Cabeca never let the naysayers deter her. Back in her first practice in a small town in Georgia, …

EP 9: Maca, Julva for the Vulva, and MenuPause with Dr. Anna Cabeca Read More »

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