
EP 58: Supplement Quality and Efficacy Unveiled: Wisdom from Industry Insiders

“The most expensive dietary supplement is the one that doesn’t work.” Whenever I go on Instagram, I’m inundated with ads from supplement companies. They all make crazy claims about what they can fix, and I’m skeptical. The regulation of the supplement industry is complex, and consumers are faced with labels filled with acronyms and terms …

EP 58: Supplement Quality and Efficacy Unveiled: Wisdom from Industry Insiders Read More »

Confessions Of A Male Gynecologist Ep 25 Q +A with Dr. T: PCOS, Fibroids, Essure, Weight Loss, Hormones & Hysterectomy

EP 25: Q+A with Dr. T: PCOS, Fibroids, Essure, Weight Loss, Hormones and Hysterectomy

Every Saturday for the past year, I’ve been doing “ask me a question” on my Instagram (@ShawnTassoneMD). Over time, I’ve noticed specific questions and themes that come up over and over. Now, I’m bringing them to the podcast! Starting with today’s episode, I’m going to create some Q&A episodes where I hit some of the …

EP 25: Q+A with Dr. T: PCOS, Fibroids, Essure, Weight Loss, Hormones and Hysterectomy Read More »

EP 9: Maca, Julva for the Vulva, and MenuPause with Dr. Anna Cabeca

The medical community is often critical of new ideas. Yet, if we don’t evolve as providers, we’re doing our patients a disservice. As someone who’s been at the forefront of women’s health throughout her career, Dr. Anna Cabeca never let the naysayers deter her. Back in her first practice in a small town in Georgia, …

EP 9: Maca, Julva for the Vulva, and MenuPause with Dr. Anna Cabeca Read More »

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