integrative gynecologist

EP 79: Semaglutide & Weight Loss – The Good, The Bad, and The Beautiful

Semaglutide is a fantastic medication when used the right way. Anybody with a passing interest in weight loss has probably heard about semaglutide. Whether it’s Ozempic, Wegovy, or Rybelsus, these antidiabetic medications have skyrocketed in popularity for the incredible weight loss results they can bring. There have even been shortages for the past couple of …

EP 79: Semaglutide & Weight Loss – The Good, The Bad, and The Beautiful Read More »

EP 76: Estriol Face Creams: The New Scams and Old False Claims

“I think it’s scammy. I think it’s dangerous. And I’m saddened that many women are being lied to about these products.” Have you seen those ads on social media for menopause or perimenopause supplements and creams that claim that they will fix all your woes? None of these products have a shred of proof behind …

EP 76: Estriol Face Creams: The New Scams and Old False Claims Read More »

EP 59: PCOS PRIMER: Options and Treatment Plans

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a relatively common condition that affects many women of reproductive age. Despite that, we still lack clear diagnostic criteria, resulting in many women receiving an incorrect diagnosis of PCOS or having PCOS and remaining undiagnosed. September is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Awareness Month, and in honor of that, I’m doing a …

EP 59: PCOS PRIMER: Options and Treatment Plans Read More »

EP 32: Q+A with America’s Holistic Gynecologist: Paps, Estrogen, Progesterone + HRT

We’re back for another round of Q&A with Dr. T! So much misinformation is shared when it comes to women’s health. There are also a lot of doctors who seem to prescribe things willy-nilly, following guidelines without digging deeper and using science. Many of these topics come up in questions on my Instagram (@ShawnTassoneMD), and …

EP 32: Q+A with America’s Holistic Gynecologist: Paps, Estrogen, Progesterone + HRT Read More »

EP 31: Period Perfection with Nicole Jardim – The Period Fixer

“Instead of looking at each person’s bio-individuality, we’re all treated with one protocol.” I think most doctors want to do things differently. Unfortunately, the insurance system incentivizes doctors to see as many patients as possible instead of spending time with each patient to get to the root cause of their symptoms. So what ends up …

EP 31: Period Perfection with Nicole Jardim – The Period Fixer Read More »

EP 30: Weight Loss! Semaglutide – The Good, The Bad, and The Beautiful

Semaglutide is a fantastic medication when used the right way. Anybody with a passing interest in weight loss has probably heard about semaglutide. Whether it’s Ozempic, Wegovy, or Rybelsus, these antidiabetic medications have skyrocketed in popularity for the incredible weight loss results they can bring. There have even been shortages for the past couple of …

EP 30: Weight Loss! Semaglutide – The Good, The Bad, and The Beautiful Read More »

Confessions Of A Male Gynecologist Ep 25 Q +A with Dr. T: PCOS, Fibroids, Essure, Weight Loss, Hormones & Hysterectomy

EP 25: Q+A with Dr. T: PCOS, Fibroids, Essure, Weight Loss, Hormones and Hysterectomy

Every Saturday for the past year, I’ve been doing “ask me a question” on my Instagram (@ShawnTassoneMD). Over time, I’ve noticed specific questions and themes that come up over and over. Now, I’m bringing them to the podcast! Starting with today’s episode, I’m going to create some Q&A episodes where I hit some of the …

EP 25: Q+A with Dr. T: PCOS, Fibroids, Essure, Weight Loss, Hormones and Hysterectomy Read More »

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