EP 93: Perimenopause – The Power and The Peril

In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses perimenopause and the symptoms associated with it. He highlights the issue of marketing and selling products related to perimenopause by celebrities and predatory companies. Dr. Tassone explains that perimenopause is not a disease but a time period around menopause, and it is characterized by a range of symptoms. …

EP 93: Perimenopause – The Power and The Peril Read More »

EP 92: The Hormone Bill of Rights

Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the patient’s hormone bill of rights and what patients should expect from their healthcare providers. He covers topics such as confidentiality, informed consent, access to medical records, pain treatment, and the right to refuse medical treatments. Dr. Tassone emphasizes the importance of patient advocacy and empowerment in healthcare decisions. Episode Highlights …

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EP 90: Metformin, Berberine, Dihydroberberine: Which One Is Best?

In this episode Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the use of metformin, berberine, and dihydroberberine for weight loss in women, particularly those in perimenopause and menopause. He explains that while GLP-1 medications like Ozempic and Monjaro are effective for weight loss, some women may prefer to try metformin, berberine, or dihydroberberine due to concerns or fear …

EP 90: Metformin, Berberine, Dihydroberberine: Which One Is Best? Read More »

EP 87: Bioidentical vs Synthetic Hormones: What, How and Why

In this episode, Dr. Shawn Tassone discusses the difference between synthetic and bioidentical hormones. He explains that bioidentical hormones are structurally similar to the body’s hormones, while synthetic hormones are structurally different. He also delves into the history of hormone replacement therapy, including the use of pregnant mare’s urine and the marketing of Premarin. He …

EP 87: Bioidentical vs Synthetic Hormones: What, How and Why Read More »

EP 83: North American Menopause Society (NAMS) – Are You Listening?

“If you’re already a board-certified OBGYN, why would you pay to become NAMS certified?” Many physicians turn to the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) for guidance on menopause-related issues. Every few years, they release a position statement outlining their stance on relevant treatment options, and lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about their …

EP 83: North American Menopause Society (NAMS) – Are You Listening? Read More »

EP 81: Celebrity Women Selling You Stuff: Beware the Celebrity Trap

If you see a celebrity partnering with a celebrity physician for a product, I’m here to tell you it won’t help. It’s a money grab. Menopause is getting a makeover, and menopausal women are spending a lot of money. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry, and celebrities in their mid to late 40s and 50s are …

EP 81: Celebrity Women Selling You Stuff: Beware the Celebrity Trap Read More »

EP 80: Synthetic vs Bioidentical HRT – We Have to Differentiate

Did you know there are only four bioidentical hormones? The amount of misinformation and confusion surrounding hormone replacement options – especially estradiol and micronized progesterone – is staggering. Many doctors act like synthetic hormones, and bioidenticals are the same thing when in reality, it’s like comparing apples to cars. It’s time to make a stand …

EP 80: Synthetic vs Bioidentical HRT – We Have to Differentiate Read More »

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