gwyneth paltrow

EP 81: Celebrity Women Selling You Stuff: Beware the Celebrity Trap

If you see a celebrity partnering with a celebrity physician for a product, I’m here to tell you it won’t help. It’s a money grab. Menopause is getting a makeover, and menopausal women are spending a lot of money. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry, and celebrities in their mid to late 40s and 50s are …

EP 81: Celebrity Women Selling You Stuff: Beware the Celebrity Trap Read More »

EP 40: See Ya Later Ovulator – Menopause with Esther Blum

“You’re just getting older.” When it comes to menopause, women are getting dismissed by doctors, and their symptoms are ignored. With the subject being largely ignored in medical school and residency, it can be a struggle to find a practitioner who is both knowledgeable and willing to dig deeper and provide the care that’s needed. …

EP 40: See Ya Later Ovulator – Menopause with Esther Blum Read More »

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