EP 62: The Mysterious Menopause: HRT, Cancer, Cycling, and How to Thrive

Menopause is not something to suffer from; it’s a natural state.

By definition, a menopause diagnosis requires you to go 12 months without a period. However, that doesn’t mean you have to wait 12 months before you can seek out solutions for your symptoms.

If you’re having symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, irritability, and not having your period, we can order lab work to give us insight into whether you’ve entered menopause. From there, we can start to do something about it.

In this episode, I’m talking about how menopause is diagnosed, the misconceptions and stigma surrounding menopause, the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), the role of different hormones in bone and cardiovascular health, the fear surrounding HRT, and more. Remember to advocate for yourselves and recognize that you deserve to feel better. Enjoy the episode!

Episode Highlights
-Defining perimenopause and menopause
-Lab work and symptoms used to diagnose menopause
-Why it’s essential to look at testosterone levels
-Societal expectations for women during menopause
-The prevalent fear of hormone replacement
-Dispelling the myth that estradiol causes breast cancer
-Symptoms, testing, and treatment options for menopause
-Benefits and risks of estradiol and progesterone replacement in menopause
-Pros and cons of different forms of progesterone and estrogen
-The impact of low testosterone in women
-Considerations before starting hormone replacement therapy
-Genetic testing and hormone replacement therapy
-Diagnostic criteria for menopause
-Differences between natural menopause and surgical menopause

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Dr. Shawn Tassone’s Practice
Dr. Shawn Tassone’s Book | The Hormone Balance Bible
Dr. Shawn Tassone’s Integrative Hormonal Mapping System | Hormone Archetype Quiz

Medical Disclaimer
This podcast and website represent the opinions of Dr. Shawn Tassone and his guests. The content here should not be taken as medical advice and is for informational purposes only. Because each person is so unique, please consult your health care professional for any medical questions.

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